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Harvest + Deel

Transfer timesheets from Harvest to Deel with ease. 

Requires a Harvest account. Start your free trial

At Harvest, we’re dedicated to making it as easy as possible for you to turn tracked time into money earned — and that includes using tracked time to pay your team. Our integration with Deel makes the process of paying your global contractors less tedious saving you time and simplifying your recordkeeping. 

With the integration, administrators can transfer individual time entries from Harvest to Deel using the “Copy hours to Deel” in the Detailed Time Report, so you can pay global team members with ease and accuracy — and drastically reduce the time it takes to run payroll. 


Link people and contracts 

When matching team members between Harvest and Deel, we’ll proactively show you suggested contractors to include based on your Harvest profiles both during and after the integration setup. You can also easily control which Pay As You Go contracts you want to transfer time entries for whenever you want. 

Up-to-date view of contractor status

The integration gives you an up-to-date status of your connected profiles and contracts between the two systems, giving you peace of mind that everything is running smoothly.

In your "Manage Connection" page in Settings, you can view everyone's status, unlink contractors, or switch contracts if you need to use another available one. 

Error notifications

With the Harvest + Deel integration, it’s easy to correct any potential errors as soon as they occur. Errors are explained in real time, and an error email will be sent to the account owner immediately to help quickly resolve the issue and ensure your recordkeeping is error-free.