Timesheet Template

Whether it's tracking billable hours for client projects, keeping up with employee productivity or with all the (ever-changing) compliance with labor regulations, having reliability in timesheets is key. This is where the importance of a well-designed timesheet template comes into play. A timesheet template serves as the blueprint for accurately recording and organizing employee work hours, tasks, and project allocations. In this article, we’ll take a look at how the significance of timesheet templates for medium-sized businesses can drive organizational success.

What is the benefit of time management software?

Time management software is gaining traction for midsize businesses seeking to gain efficiency in operations and drive growth. Here are some key advantages:

  • Automated Time Tracking: At Harvest, we know that one of the primary benefits of time tracking software is its ability to automate the time tracking process. Instead of relying on manual methods such as paper timesheets or spreadsheets, employees can use the software to clock in and out, record hours worked on specific tasks or projects, and even track breaks automatically. This automation not only saves time but also minimizes the risk of errors. Yay, accuracy!

  • Centralized Data Management: All time entries, project allocations, and employee schedules are stored in one place, making it easy for managers to access and analyze the information they need.

  • Real-Time Visibility: Managers can have a handle on who is working on what tasks, track project milestones, and identify potential bottlenecks or delays as they occur.

  • Resource Allocation Optimization: By analyzing time data, managers can identify which tasks or projects require more resources, allocate staff accordingly, and adjust priorities as needed.

  • Improved Billing Accuracy: A time management system for employees can track billable hours directly within the software, providing detailed records of work performed for each client or project. This data can then be used to generate accurate invoices, reducing billing disputes and improving cash flow.

  • Employee Productivity: Employees can track their own time, set goals, and monitor their progress over time. This self-monitoring promotes accountability and encourages employees to prioritize tasks, manage their time more effectively, and ultimately, achieve greater productivity.

What is time tracking software?

Unlike traditional paper timesheets or cumbersome spreadsheets, time tracking software provides a digital platform where employees can easily log their work hours, track project progress, and manage tasks with precision and accuracy. Typically, they include a range of features, including automated time entry, real-time monitoring, reporting and analytics, and integration with other business systems. Many time tracking software options can integrate with other business systems, such as payroll, billing, and project management software.

Some common reporting and analytics capabilities found in time tracking software include:

  1. Time Reports: These reports provide an overview of employee hours worked over a specific period, broken down by day, week, month, or custom date range.

    A template might include: total hours worked, billable hours, non-billable hours, and overtime hours
  1. Project Reports: Project reports offer insights into the time spent on individual projects or tasks.

    A template might include: total hours worked on each project, task completion status, project milestones, and project budget versus actual hours spent.
  1. Client Reports: Client reports provide information on the time spent working for each client or customer.

    A template might include: billable hours per client, total revenue generated by client, and client-specific project details.
  1. Employee Reports: Employee reports offer insights into individual employee productivity and performance.

    A template might include: total hours worked, billable versus non-billable hours, overtime hours, and task completion status for each employee.
  1. Utilization Reports: Utilization reports track employee utilization rates, which measure the percentage of time spent on billable work versus non-billable activities.

  2. Time Off Reports: Time off reports track employee absences, including vacation time, sick leave, and other types of paid time off.

    A template might include: remaining leave balances, approved time off requests, and historical time off trends.

  1. Billing and Invoicing Reports: Billing and invoicing reports provide information on billable hours, client invoices, and revenue generated.

    A template might include: invoice status, payment history, and aging accounts receivable.
  1. Custom Reports: Many time tracking software platforms offer the ability to create custom reports tailored to specific business needs. Custom reports allow businesses to analyze time data in unique ways and extract insights relevant to their operations.

Why is time tracking important?

Why is keeping track of time important? Time tracking is important for several reasons:

  1. Resource Optimization: By understanding where time is invested, managers can identify inefficiencies and better assign resources.
  2. Project Management and Accountability: Time tracking is important in project management and supports all organizational goals. By tracking time spent on various tasks and projects, managers can monitor project progress.
  3. Accurate Client Billing: Time tracking helps businesses invoice clients accurately for the work performed, minimizing disputes and prioritizing fair compensation.
  4. Compliance with Labor Regulations: By accurately recording employee hours, businesses can demonstrate compliance with labor laws, mitigate the risk of legal liabilities, and uphold fair labor practices.
  5. Performance Evaluation and Improvement: With time data, managers can assess individual and team productivity, recognize top performers, and address any productivity issues or training needs. Viva data-driven approach!
  6. Cost Control: Time tracking enables businesses to control labor costs by accurately tracking employee hours and identifying areas for cost savings.

Is time tracking effective?

Numerous studies and real-world examples demonstrate the tangible benefits of implementing time tracking systems. Here's why time tracking is undeniably effective for midsize businesses:

  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Time tracking provides valuable data that empowers businesses to make informed decisions.
  • Productivity: Time tracking encourages accountability and helps employees stay focused on their tasks.
  • Billing: For businesses that bill clients based on billable hours or project milestones, time tracking ensures accurate and transparent billing practices.
  • Resource Allocation: Time tracking enables businesses to optimize resource allocation by providing insights into how employees' time is distributed across various tasks and projects.
  • Legal Protection: This protects the business from potential legal consequences and helps maintain a positive reputation among employees and stakeholders.

What are the advantages of time tracking software?

What are the advantages of timesheet management systems? And, what are the benefits of timesheet software? Here are some key advantages of implementing time tracking software and the costs of not implementing it:

Implement Automated Time Tracking Software

Company Reality Without It: Without automated time tracking software, businesses may face inefficiencies and errors associated with manual timekeeping methods. Paper timesheets or spreadsheets can lead to inaccuracies, missed entries, and time-consuming data entry tasks.

Unwanted Impact: Payroll errors, overbilling or underbilling clients, and difficulties in tracking employee productivity.

Real-Time Visibility

Company Reality Without It: Lack of real-time visibility into employee activities and project progress can hinder decision-making and project management. Without insights into who is working on what tasks and project milestones, businesses may struggle to identify bottlenecks, allocate resources effectively, and keep projects on track.

Unwanted Impact: Missed deadlines, cost overruns, and decreased client satisfaction.

Resource Allocation

Company Reality Without It: Without time tracking software to optimize resource allocation, businesses may allocate resources inefficiently. This can result in underutilized staff, overworked employees, and missed opportunities to prioritize tasks effectively.

Unwanted Impact: Decreased productivity, increased costs, and difficulty in meeting project deadlines.

Accurate Client Billing

Company Reality Without It: Failure to accurately track billable hours can result in billing disputes, cash flow issues, and damaged client relationships. Without detailed records of work performed for each client or project, businesses may struggle to justify invoiced amounts or provide evidence of services rendered.

Unwanted Impact: Delayed payments, loss of revenue, and negative feedback from clients.

Maintain Compliance with Labor Regulations

Company Reality Without It: Non-compliance with labor regulations can result in legal liabilities, penalties, and damage to the company's reputation. Failure to accurately record employee hours, breaks, and overtime can lead to claims of wage theft, labor disputes, and regulatory investigations.

Unwanted Impact: Financial losses, legal expenses, and negative publicity for the business.

Productivity and Accountability

Company Reality Without It: Without time tracking software to encourage accountability and productivity, businesses may experience decreased employee motivation and performance. Lack of awareness about time spent on tasks can lead to procrastination, distractions, and inefficiencies in workflow.

Unwanted Impact: Missed deadlines, decreased quality of work, and reduced overall productivity for the organization.

What is the main purpose for time. tracking?

Having a hard time conveying to your senior exec why your organization should adopt time tracking? Here’s an email template you can use to get the main points across:


I am pleased to present this plan outlining the implementation of time tracking initiatives for our organization. Recognizing time tracking as a strategic tool rather than mere record-keeping, this plan aims to optimize productivity, resource allocation, and operational efficiency across every team. Here are the key purposes and strategic objectives for utilizing time tracking:

  1. Resource Optimization: By gaining insight into our workforce's allocation of time across tasks and projects, we can more easily see areas we need to tighten up. We’ll be able to allocate resources more effectively to make sure we have the people with the necessary skills working on projects that leverage those skills.

  2. Project Management: Effective project management is essential for meeting deadlines and objectives. Through time tracking, we will keep track of project progress in real-time, see what’s slowing us down,, and proactively address any challenges. This visibility will allow for informed decision-making and will see to it that projects are delivered on time and within budget.

  3. Client Billing: Trust and credibility go hand-in-hand with accurate client billing. With transparent and precise time tracking records, we will generate accurate invoices for clients, thus ensuring that they are billed appropriately. This commitment to accuracy will strengthen our reputation in the industry.

  4. Performance Evaluation: Come performance review time, we’ll be able to better assess individual and team performance, identify areas for improvement, and recognize top performers. This data-driven approach will enable us to provide targeted feedback, set realistic goals, and support employee development.

  5. Compliance and Legal Protection: Compliance with labor regulations is imperative for avoiding legal liabilities and fostering a positive workplace culture. Accurately recording employee hours and breaks will ensure compliance with labor laws, decrease our risk of legal consequences and reinforcing our commitment to fair labor practices.

  6. Cost Control: We’re all about maximizing profitability. Through accurate time tracking, we will identify inefficiencies, and see where resources are better spent to minimize costs.

In summary, the implementation of time tracking initiatives aligns with our strategic objectives of optimizing productivity, improving project management, ensuring accurate client billing, evaluating performance, complying with regulations, and controlling costs.

Thank you for considering this strategic plan. I look forward to discussing further steps for implementation and the potential benefits of time tracking for our organization.


What is time tracking?

Time tracking is different for teams of different sizes. Here, we’ll take a look at how best to leverage for your particular organizational structure:

Teams of Less Than 5:

With fewer team members, each individual's contribution is significant, making productivity and solid workflow processes more important than ever. Implementing time tracking methods helps to prioritize tasks and reallocate resources when needed, without a guessing game. Additionally, accurate time tracking enables small teams to bill clients accurately, maintain compliance with labor regulations, and truly create a culture of accountability and continuous improvement.

Teams of 25:

As the team size increases, the complexity of managing resources and projects also grows. Time tracking becomes even more essential! With a larger team, it becomes challenging to track individual contributions and project progress manually. Implementing sophisticated time tracking software or tools (hello, Harvest!) allows for real-time visibility into employee activities and project statuses, enabling managers to make informed decisions and keep projects on track. Moreover, analyzing time data helps identify top performers, areas for improvement, and opportunities for skill development within the team.

Teams of 50:

For a team of this size, effective time tracking is like the glue that holds together productivity, project management, and that oh-so-fun labor regulation compliance. With more employees, the potential for inefficiencies and misallocation of resources increases. Implementing robust time tracking systems becomes a huge help to meet project deadlines.

Teams of 100:

Managing a team of 100 requires comprehensive time tracking strategies to maintain operations and sustain growth. With a large workforce, team management areas that were once simple become challenging. Advanced time tracking software with automation features will be your best friend when tracking employee hours, managing project timelines, and ensuring compliance with labor regulations. Real-time visibility and analyzing time data will be huge when it comes time for employee performance conversations.

Time tracking serves as the foundation upon which efficient operations, effective resource management, and strategic decision-making are built. As such, time tracking is not just a mundane administrative task. Want an easy and intuitive time tracking tool that captures all your time without changing the way you work? Give Harvest a spin.