What is an electronic timesheet

Timesheets stand as crucial tools for accurately tracking employee hours, ensuring compliance, and facilitating payroll processing. As businesses evolve and embrace digital solutions, traditional paper timesheets are making way for their electronic counterparts. In this blog post, we'll explore the different types of timesheets, the process of creating an online timesheet, and the benefits of electronic timesheets for employees.

What are 3 types of timesheets?

  1. Paper Timesheets: Traditional paper timesheets have been a staple in employee time tracking for decades. They involve employees manually recording their work hours, breaks, and activities on physical documents, which are then submitted to supervisors or HR departments for approval. While simple and cost-effective, paper timesheets are prone to errors, tampering, and loss.

  2. Spreadsheet Timesheets: Spreadsheet timesheets improve upon traditional paper methods by using electronic spreadsheets to log employee hours. Companies can develop customized templates, enabling employees to input their time data digitally. While these spreadsheet timesheets provide greater flexibility and some automation compared to their paper counterparts, they still necessitate manual data entry and do not support real-time tracking capabilities.

  3. Electronic Timesheets: Electronic timesheets, also referred to as online or digital timesheets, embody the contemporary approach to time tracking. Utilizing cloud-based technology, these platforms enable employees to record their hours remotely from any location with internet access, via computers, smartphones, or tablets. With capabilities like automated calculations, real-time updates, and integration with other business applications, electronic timesheets are increasingly favored by many companies today.

How do I create an online timesheet?

Creating an online timesheet is a relatively straightforward process, thanks to the availability of various software solutions and online tools (like Harvest!). Here's a step-by-step guide to creating an online timesheet:

  1. Choose a Timesheet Software: Start by selecting a reputable timesheet software or online tool that meets your business needs. Look for features such as time tracking, reporting, customization options, and user-friendly interface.

  2. Customize Templates: Once you've chosen a timesheet software, customize the templates to reflect your organization's requirements. Include fields for employee information, dates, hours worked, projects or tasks, and any additional information relevant to your business.

  3. Set Up User Accounts: Create user accounts for employees, supervisors, and administrators within the timesheet software. Define roles and permissions to control access levels and ensure data security.

  4. Provide Training: Train employees on how to use the online timesheet software effectively. Offer tutorials, user guides, and hands-on training sessions to familiarize them with the interface, time tracking process, and any specific features of the software.

  5. Implement Time Tracking Policies: Establish clear guidelines and policies for time tracking, including expectations for accurate reporting, submission deadlines, and approval processes. Communicate these policies to employees to ensure compliance and consistency.

  6. Monitor and Review: Regularly monitor and review time entries submitted through the online timesheet software. Address any discrepancies, errors, or issues promptly to maintain data accuracy and integrity.

What is an electronic timesheet?

An electronic timesheet, also known as an e-timesheet or digital timesheet, is a digital document used for recording and tracking employee work hours. Unlike traditional paper timesheets, electronic timesheets are created, stored, and processed digitally, using software or online tools. Electronic timesheets offer several benefits over their paper counterparts, including:

  • Accessibility: Employees can access electronic timesheets from anywhere with an internet connection, using computers, smartphones, or tablets.
  • Automation: Electronic timesheets automate calculations, reducing the risk of errors and saving time on manual data entry.
  • Real-time Updates: Electronic timesheets provide real-time updates on employee hours, allowing supervisors and administrators to track progress and make informed decisions.
  • Integration: Electronic timesheets integrate with other business systems, such as payroll, accounting, and project management software, streamlining workflows and data exchange.

Electronic timesheets represent a modern and efficient solution for employee time tracking. By transitioning from traditional paper timesheets to electronic counterparts, businesses can improve accuracy, streamline processes, and enhance overall productivity.

In this blog post, we've explored the different types of timesheets, the process of creating an online timesheet, and the benefits of electronic timesheets for employees. Whether you're considering transitioning to electronic timesheets or looking to optimize your existing time tracking processes, embracing digital solutions can lead to significant improvements in workforce management. With the Harvest platform, employers have tracked over 2 billion hours to manage projects in the most productive way possible. Start your free trial today.