Over the last 3 weeks we’ve been engaging the Harvest Twitter community with a weekly question related to how they work. We thought it could be interesting to not only understand how others work, but also to reflect on each other’s work habits. Looking forward, we may even be able to learn a thing or two from each other, to adopt better practices for our workflow.

The questions take just a few seconds to answer, and the results can be surprising. For example, we asked you how many things on your to-do list are you aiming to finish today. 2/3’s of you are in the 1-5 range.

Is the number of things on your list manageable? How many of them did you actually get done last week? It can be easier to stay focused by splitting up your to-dos into different projects or tasks within Harvest.

We also asked what part of the day you’re most productive. Nearly 70% of you get the most out of your time in the morning.

Does it make more sense to start the day even earlier (and, ideally, clock out sooner)?  If possible, rearranging your flow so that you take on your more intensive work during the more productive parts of your day (or night) could be helpful.

Thanks to the community members who have given their feedback so far. In case you missed it, catch us on Twitter or Facebook to find out how to participate each week.

If you have a question you would like us to ask fellow Harvesters, feel free to tell us in the comments below, and take a second now to weigh in on the poll this week, and tell us how you take notes!